參賽前 Before you go
- 請細閱參賽者注意事項 Read through all Remarks to Contestant
- 帶備身份證明文 Prepare HKID / Birth Certificate and School Handbook
- 穿著得體 Well-dressed
- 請為比賽作充分準備 Well prepare your performance
- 應抱著輕鬆的心情預備比賽 Relax and enjoy
- 工作人員會在大堂入口為閣下提供協助 Our staff will assist you at the entrance
接待處 Reception
- 請先量度體溫及使用場地提供的消毒搓手液消毒雙手 Please check your temperature and wash your hands with hand sanitizer on site
- 請向工作人員出示電子確認信 Please show the confirmation email to our staff
- 工作人員會給指示通知閣下到達報到區 Our staff will assist you to go to reporting area
報到區 Reporting Area
- 請準時到達 Please arrived on-time
- 向工作人員出示你的電子確認信 Show your confirmation email to our staff
- 請向工作人員出示身份證或出生證明書和學校手冊作身分核實 Show your HKID or Birth Certificate and School Handbook for our verification
- 你會收到一張參與證書,參與獎牌,通利琴行及通利音樂藝術中心禮券 You will received a certificate of participation, participation medal, Tom Lee Music Co., Ltd and Tom Lee Music Academy coupon on the competition day
- 等待時請保持安靜 Please keep quiet while waiting
- 請跟從工作人員指示到比賽室準備 Please wait for the call from our staff, and visit the competition room
- 若需要兒童踏板,請於此時向工作人員提出 Please ask our staff for help if you need the kids pedal
比賽室 Competition Room
- 工作人員會為你安排就座 Please seat as assigned
- 比賽過程中,請保持安靜
During the competition, please keep quiet. - 比賽過程中,參賽者及陪同者不能擅自離開比賽室
During the competition, all contestants and audiences are not allowed to leave the competition room. - 請跟從司儀指示Please wait for the call from the MC
- 將樂譜交給工作人員Pass the original copy of the music to our staff
- 請消毒雙手Please wash your hands by hand sanitizer
- 若需要調整琴椅高度,請向工作人員提出 Please ask our staff for help if you need to adjust the bench height
- 比賽過程中陪同者只可在陪同的參賽者演奏時以靜音模式攝影或錄影,並需關掉閃光燈。
Audiences are only allowed to take photo and video for their contestant during the competition. Please be reminded NOT to use flash light and should be in silent mode. - 享受你的表演時間!Enjoy your show time!
比賽後 After Performance
- 工作人員會交還樂譜 Our staff will return you the original copy of the music score
- 請按序就座 Please seat as reserved
- 請欣賞其他參賽者的表演 Please enjoy other contestant’s performance
- 於比賽結束後請與評判會們合照 Join a group photo with jurors while the session ended
- 比賽完結 Competition end
- 比賽結果將於2023年2月28日或之前以電郵方式通知個別參賽者 Competition results will be announced by email by 28 February 2023

- 參賽者不得更改比賽日期及時間,若未能如期出席,將被視為放棄資格,並不設退款,大會保留最終決定權。
Contestants are not allowed to change the date and time of the competition. If they do not attend as scheduled,
they will be deemed to absent and disqualifications and no refund will be provided. The organizer reserves the
sole and absolute right to make final and conclusive decisions. - 請參賽者於指定報到時間到場登記,大會保留取消遲到參賽者的參賽資格最終決定權。
Please arrive at the venue at designated reporting time. The organizer reserves the right to disqualify the contestants
who are late.
- 參賽者必須於比賽時出示此確認信及含相片和身份證號碼之身份證明文件正本作身分核實。如身份證明文件上所顯示
Please bring along this letter and ID document with photo and ID number for verification. The Organizer reserves the right
to disqualify and exclude any applicants whose information do not match the application details.
- 每位參賽者只可以與一位成人陪同進入比賽場地。
All contestants can only enter the competition venue with one adult.
- 所有參賽者應穿著端莊服裝參加比賽, 請按此參閱參賽者須知。
All contestants should dress properly for the competition, please click here for more details.
- 參賽者於比賽時必須攜帶一套演奏曲目之原裝樂譜或原創樂譜正本供評委參考,演奏完畢後即時歸還。在台上演奏時,
Contestants MUST bring original music score for adjudicators’ reference and it will be returned immediately after
performance. Photocopies of score are acceptable if the contestant needs to read the score during the competition.
If contestants do not bring the original copy of music score, marking will be affected.
- 大會會提供鋼琴輔助踏板一個,如有需要使用,請於報到時通知有關職員。
The organizer will provide a piano extension pedal. If contestant request to use the pedal, inform our staff during
reporting time.
- 比賽期間,評委有權於適當時候終止參賽者之演出。如評委認為參賽者的演奏已足夠評分,評委可隨時終止參賽者
The panel of adjudicators reserves the right to terminate the performance if the performance is sufficiently performed
that adjudicators are able to decide the marks in the competition, the termination will not affect the result. All decisions
and results of the competition by the adjudicators are final and indisputable.
- 比賽過程中會有特許工作人員攝影及錄影,陪同者如有需要,都只可在陪同的參賽者演奏時以靜音模式攝影或錄影,
There will be staff take photos and videos during the competition. Audiences are only allowed to take photo and video
for their contestant during the competition. Please be reminded NOT to use flash light and should be in silent mode.
The copyright of all photos and videos taken by our staff in the competition are belong to the organizer of the competition.
- 大會擁有其參加者所有上載相片及影片之使用權,一切版權歸大會所有。大會有最終權利決定是否採用參加者的相片及影片,
The copyright of all photos and videos belong to the organizer. The organizer reserves the final right to decide whether to adopt
the contestant’s photos and videos. All photos and videos may post on Tom Lee Music Co., Ltd. and Tom Lee Music Academy social
media platform or other promotional platforms.
- 曲目如有重複或反始記號(D.C. Da Capo或Dal Segno),只需演奏一次,不必重複。
All pieces should be played without repeats although D.C. Da Capo or Dal Segno is included.
- 如天文台於比賽前兩小時發出八號或以上之颱風警告信號或黑色暴雨警告信號,比賽將延期舉行,詳情會於稍後公佈;如懸掛三號
The competition will be postponed if the Observatory issues a typhoon warning signal No. 8 or above or a black rainstorm warning
signal two hours before the competition. Information will be announced later; if a typhoon signal No. 3 or below or a yellow/red rainstorm
warning signal is hoisted, the competition will be held as scheduled.
- 每位參賽者均可於比賽當日獲發參與證書,參與獎牌,通利琴行及通利音樂藝術中心禮券,並只派發一次,在任何情況下均不會重發。
All contestants will receive a certificate of participation, participation medal, Tom Lee Music Co., Ltd. and Tom Lee Music Academy coupons
on the competition day. All items will only be awarded once and will NOT be reissued under any circumstances.
- 評分紙將於連同其他證書及獎項(如有)一同於公佈結果後安排領取。
Comment sheet will be given together with other certificates and trophies (if any) after the result is announced. - 大會將保留你的比賽資料作處理,直至比賽完結三個月之後,如有任何獎項或證書遺失,或未領回,將全部報銷。
The organizer will keep your personal details for three months after the competition end for service purposes. After which it will be deleted from our records. - 主辦單位有權修改比賽規則、獎品內容及評委會成員,如有修改,恕不另行通告。
Rules, regulations, awards and judging panel are subject to change without prior notice.
如有任何查詢,請WhatsApp 6832 6870,或電郵到 event@tlma.com.hk 與我們聯絡。
Should you have any queries, please kindly contact us at 6832 6870 via WhatsApp or email at event@tlma.com.hk

比賽日期 Competition Date:
2023年2月4日至2023年2月5日 及 2023年2月11日至2023年2月12日
4 February 2023 to 5 February 2023 and 11 February 2023 to 12 February 2023
比賽地點 Competition Venue: 尖沙咀通利音樂廳 Tsim Sha Tsui Tom Lee Music Studio (尖沙咀港鐵站A1出口 Tsim Sha Tsui MTR exit A1)
地址 Address: 九龍尖沙咀廣東道30號新港中心1座11樓
11/F, Silvercord Tower 1, 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

比賽日期 Competition Date:
5 February 2023 and 12 February 2023
比賽地點 Competition Venue: 尖沙咀通利琴行 Tsim Sha Tsui Tom lee Music (尖沙咀港鐵站B2出口 Tsim Sha Tsui MTR exit B2)
地址 Address: 九龍尖沙咀金馬倫里6號3樓 3/F, 6 Cameron Lane Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon