YAMAHA International Highlight Concert – JOC Selection 2023 Review

YAMAHA International Highlight Concert – JOC Selection 是一年一度的音樂盛事,
為實踐Yamaha Music Education System兒童音樂教育系統的教學目標及展現學生們的學習成果,
Junior Extension Course 及以上學生均可參加本次活動,學生可以將自己創作的音樂演奏,以獲
每年都會於YAMAHA日本官方網站展示來自世界各地的 200 首作品。
Yamaha Music Foundation的官方JOC YouTube Channel上上傳, 作為年度最佳創作及表現的典範。
表演出色者更有機會被日本Yamaha挑選到2023年12月於雅加達參加Yamaha International Highlight Concert 2023,
YAMAHA International Highlight Concert – JOC Selection is an annual music event.
Students studying JXC or above are eligible to participate in this event.
Students will learn to express their emotions when they compose their own music.
Students get more opportunities to perform, motivate their learning and build self-confidence.
To showcase specifically JOC activities with 200 compositions selected from all over the world on the website annually.
This year, this event will be held by physical performance and will be recorded. Selected videos might be chosen to be
uploaded to Yamaha Music Foundation JOC Channel on YouTube.
Performer might be selected to join the Yamaha International Highlight Concert 2023 in Jakarta in December 2023,
promoting Yamaha education achievements

截止報名日期 : 2023年3月5日
Application Deadline: 5/3/2023
Performance Date: 19/3/2023
地點 Venue:Tom Lee Studio

所有JXC, JAC, JSAC, AXC, SAC及Yamaha個別樂器課程(Pianoforte, Classical Guitar, Saxophone, Electric Guitar, Electric Bass及Drums) 的學生均可參與此項音樂活動,細則如下:
All students from JXC, JAC, JSAC, AXC, SAC and Yamaha Individual course (Pianoforte, Classical Guitar, Saxophone, Electric Guitar, Electric Bass及Drums) are eligible to take part in this event. The rules are as follow:
- 是次活動只接受以電子表格報名及付款,報名時需要一併遞交作品曲譜 (PDF)。
Application and fees must be done and settled in this e-form. Music pieces in PDF file should be submitted together with this application. - 參與是次活動後仍須要經過遴選,不是所有參加者都能夠把影片提交到日本主辦機構,被挑選影片將會傳送到日本進行最後遴選。
Selection is still required after application, not all candidates are able to submit their performance video to Japan. Only selected videos will be sent to Japan for video audition. - JOC作品可以是樂器獨奏(solo performance)、合奏(ensemble) 或唱歌 (singing),唯唱歌的表演必需要有伴奏(accompaniment)。
JOC performance can be done by solo or ensemble. Singing is also available but accompaniment is required. - 參加者之年齡必須為15歲或以下。
Applicants must be aged 15 or below. - 參加者於畢業後3個月內都可參加此活動。
Applicants graduated within 3 months are eligible to participate in this activity. - 開始接受報名日期為2月13日,報名截止日期為3月5日。
Application starts from 13 February to 5 March. - 遞交之JOC作品最少為8小節,並須為有旋律(melody)及伴奏(accompaniment) 的完整作品。請學生們及早準備。
Submitted JOC music pieces must include at least 8 bars with melody and accompaniment. Students should prepare earlier. - 為提升音樂會的質素,所有參加者必需背譜彈奏。
All performance must be played from memory. - 為鼓勵學生們不斷創作,所有參加JOC之作品必須是新的原創作品,即是從來未有於任何音樂會作公開表演或參加任何比賽。
All JOC performance must be new and original which should not be disclosed to the public or competitions before. - 所有報名表必須於截止日期或之前遞交,並付款作實。本中心不接受遲交之報名表及作品。報名表一經接納 / 報名資料一經確認(網上報名),本中心將會就下列申請收取附加費用:
No late application will be accepted. Once your online application was accepted, additional fees will be charged according to the follow circumstances:- – 逾期報名 / 逾期繳費 Late application or late payment
- – 報名後要求更改作品曲譜 Change of music pieces after application
- 學生須穿著表演服飾進行拍攝。
Applicants should wear concert dressings for the performance. - 申請作品將不予退還。
Submitted music pieces will not be returned. - 本中心保留更改所有有關活動安排之權利。
The organizer reserves the rights for the arrangement of this event. - 遞交之作品及演出影片/片段有機會發佈於通利音樂藝術中心社交平台作宣傳用途,如YouTube, Facebook,一切版權歸大會所有。
Submitted pieces or performance videos might be post on the Tom Lee Music Academy Social Media, such as Youtube, Facebook for promotional purposes. The organizer reserves all copyrights. - 大會擁有其參加者所有上載相片及影片之使用權,一切版權歸大會所有。大會有最終權利決定是否採用參加者的相片及影片,演出相片及影片將會發佈於通利琴行及通利音樂藝術中心的社交平台,或其他宣傳平台。
The copyright of all photos and videos belong to the organizer. The organizer reserves the final right to decide whether to adopt the contestant’s photos and videos. All photos and videos may post on Tom Lee Music Co., Ltd and Tom Lee Music Academy social media platform or other promotional platforms. - 若有任何爭議,大會保留最終決定。
The organizer reserves the rights for final decision.