


YAMAHA的教育理念是“to foster the musical sensitivity that everyone is born with, to develop the ability to enjoy creating and
playing the music of their own and ultimately share the joy of music with anyone,”

秉承這一理念,自2016年以來一直舉辦Yamaha Junior Piano Competition,其宗旨是使表演者能夠自由表達他們從樂譜中收集到


Tokyo Dai-ichi Seimei Hall參加國際性總決賽。


YAMAHA’s educational philosophy is“to foster the musical sensitivity that everyone is born with, to develop the ability to enjoy creating
and playing the music of their own and ultimately share the joy of music with anyone,”

With this philosophy in mind, the Yamaha Junior Piano Competition has been held since 2016, based on a desire to enable performers to
freely express the emotions they gather from music scores and broaden their musical horizons and range of expressions in a freeform manner.
Aimed at piano students 15 years old or younger, this competition allows students to learn, polish their skills, and develop as pianists.

The Hong Kong competition this year will be divided into Preliminary and Semifinal.

Contestants who passed the Preliminary are required to join the semifinal;contestants who passed the semifinal, the performance video might
be sent to Japan for audition;
Contestants who perform well might have the opportunity to go to the Dai-ichi Seimei Hall in Tokyo, Japan to participate in the Grand Finale.

*(must complete the registration process again)

初賽 Preliminary*:

模式 Mode of Competition:
提交錄影片段 Video Submission

内容 Content:
One Compulsory Piece and One Free Selection

截止報名日期Application Deadline: 5 January 2025

截止提交影片日期 Video Submission Deadline: 26 January 2025

費用 Fee: HK$180


Contestants could receive Certificate of Participation and Mark Sheet


Contestants who passed in Preliminary are required to join the semifinal by completing the registration again

決賽 Semifinal^:

模式 Mode of Competition:
現場實體比賽 Live Competition

日期 Date: 16 March 2025 (Sunday)

地點 Venue:  Tom Lee Studio

内容 Content:
One Compulsory Piece and One Free Selection

費用 Fee: HK$400

決賽參賽者獲得另外獲發決賽証書及評分紙;每個組別設有金獎、銀獎、銅獎 ;金獎參賽者可獲得一個水晶獎座,銀獎及銅獎參賽者可獲得一個獎牌。

Contestants joining the semi-final would receive a Certificate and Mark Sheet. Each group will have Gold, Silver, Bronze Prize. Gold Prize winner wil receive a crystal trophy. Silver and Bronze Prize winner will receive a medal.

Performance video of the prizewinner in the semifinal might be sent to Japan for audition



As at 1 Apr 2025, contestants must be aged 15 or below

*1st Place winners in the Grand Final in the past may not enter the same division again.

Division ADivision BDivision CDivision D
截至2025年 4月1日 As at 1 April 2025 8歲或以下 參賽者必須於2016年4月2日當天或之後出生 8 years old or below Born on or after 2 April 2016 10歲或以下 參賽者必須於2014年4月2日當天或之後出生 10 years old or below Born on or after 2 April 2014 12歲或以下 參賽者必須於2012年4月2日當天或之後出生 12 years old or below Born on or after 2 April 2012 15歲或以下 參賽者必須於2009年4月2日當天或之後出生 15 years old or below Born on or after 2 April 2009
時間限制 Time Limit 3分鐘以内 Within 3 mins 4分鐘以内 Within 4 mins 5分鐘以内 Within 5 mins 6分鐘以内 Within 6 mins
  1. 參賽者報名時須於網上報名表格一併遞交演奏曲目之樂譜及繳交報名費。
    Contestants should submit the online application form together with the music sheets and registration fee.
  2. 初賽截止報名日期為2025年1月5日,所有逾期報名或於報名後更改資料一律收取港幣$150行政費。
    Application deadline for preliminary competition is 5 January 2025. Late submission and any changes after
    application will charge an administrative fee of HK$150.
  3. 參賽者必須彈奏一首指定歌曲,一首自選歌曲,自選歌不可以是自己的作品。(請參閲指定考歌曲名單)
    Contestants are required to perform one compulsory piece, one free selection piece. Free selection piece cannot
    be applicant’s own composition. (Please refer to the List of Compulsory Pieces)
  4. 初賽演奏次序: 參賽者先朗讀自己的姓名, 之後先彈指定歌曲,次彈自選歌曲
    Performance order in Preliminary: Announce the contestant’s name, play Compulsory Piece, then the Free
    Selection Piece.
  5. 時間限制 :
    Time Limit :
    Division A: within 3 mins
    Division B: within 4 mins
    Division C: within 5 mins
    Division D: within 6 mins
    *from the beginning of the first piece to the end of the last piece
  6. 參賽者年齡必須為15歲或以下(截至2025年4月1日)
    Contestants must be aged 15 or below (as at 1 April 2025).
  7. 參賽者於必須為現有Yamaha課程 / Pianoforte / 曾修畢Yamaha課程之學生;曾修畢精靈紅蘋果/音樂小天地/
    Contestants must be current students studying in Yamaha and Pianoforte courses, as well as students who
    have attended Yamaha music courses (Yamaha Red Apple Course / Yamaha Music Wonderland / Yamaha
    Junior Music Creativity Course before and meet the age limit.
  8. 現有鋼琴學生/非通利音樂中心學生(至少3級或以上程度) 可於截止報名前報讀Pianoforte課程, 並最少報讀至2025年1月26日,
    Existing Piano students/ Non-Tom Lee students (at least Grade 3 or above) could enroll the Pianoforte course until 26 January
    2025 in order to join this competition.
  9. 為提升音樂會的質素,參賽者必須背誦樂譜演奏。
    Contestants must play the pieces by memory.
  10. 請確保報名表提交資料無誤。一經報名,參賽樂曲不能作任何更改。
    Please ensure that all information submitted in the application form is correct. Once the form is submitted, the performing pieces
    are not allowed to change.
  11. 如比賽與課堂同時進行而不能參賽,通利音樂中心不會另行安排時間作賽,參賽者如缺席課堂則當自動放棄該課論,缺席課堂的學費
    If the competition is held at the same time as your lesson time and you are unable to participate, Tom Lee Music Academy will not
    arrange another time for the competition. Contestants who are absent from the lesson are considered to give up the tuition balance,
    and the application fee will not be refunded.
  12. 所有報名費均不可退款和不可轉讓。
    All fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
  13. 每位初賽參賽者可獲發參賽証書及評分紙,有關領取安排會透過電郵公佈。
    Contestants participating the preliminary competition could receive a Certificate of Participation and mark sheet, arrangement will
    be announced by email.
  14. 參賽者須於2025年1月26日或之前將影片上載至Google Drive,再把共享連結電郵至 event@tlma.com.hk 。請更改電郵標題及影片名
    稱為: 參賽者姓名_參賽組別, 例: CHAN TAI MAN_DIVISION A。
    Contestants must upload the video for the preliminary competition to Google Drive, and send the sharing link to
    event@tlma.com.hk by email on or before 26 January 2025. Please name the Email Title and Video Name as, Contestant
    Name_Divison, E.g., CHAN TAI MAN_DIVISION A.
  15. 通利音樂中心會於2025年2月7日或之前透過電郵通知通過初選的參賽者,參賽者需要另外報名參加決賽,有關資料會個別通知。
    Contestants passing the preliminary are required to join the semi-final. Results will be announced on or before 7 February 2025 by
  16. 所有組別的決賽過程中會有特許工作人員攝影及錄影;陪同家長只可在陪同的參賽者演奏時以靜音模式攝影或錄影,並需關掉閃光燈。
    There will be staff take photos and videos during all competitions. In all competition, audiences are only allowed to take photo and
    video for their contestant during the competition. Please be reminded NOT to use flash light and should be in silent mode.
  17. 決賽參賽者獲得另外獲發決賽証書及評分紙;每個組別設有金獎、銀獎、銅獎;金獎參賽者可獲得一個水晶獎座,銀獎及銅獎參賽者
    Contestants joining the semi-final would receive a Certificate and Mark Sheet. Each group will have Gold, Silver, Bronze Prize.
    Gold Prize winner will receive a crystal trophy. Silver and Bronze Prize winner will receive a medal.
  18. 決賽證書及評分紙會於決賽當天派發,並不會補發。獲獎參賽者的領取獎項安排會另外透過電郵通知。
    Certificate and mark sheet for semi-final will be distributed on the competition day, and will not be reissued. Award pick-up
    arrangement will be announced by email.
  19. 通利音樂中心有權拒絕或終止不符合參賽資格或違規者參賽,報名費亦不獲退款。
    Tom Lee Music Academy reserves the final right to refuse or terminate the contestants who are not qualified or violate the rules.
  20. 比賽結果交由評判作最後決定,參賽者不得異議。
    The judges reserve the final right for the competition results, and contestants shall not object.
  21. 有關比賽之資料將以電郵方式通知。
    All competition information will be informed by email.
  22. 通利音樂中心擁有其參賽者所有相片及影片之使用權,一切版權歸通利音樂中心所有。通利音樂中心有最終權利決定是否採用參賽
    The copyright of all photos and videos belong to Tom Lee Music Academy and we reserve the final right to decide whether to adopt
    the contestant’s photos and videos.
    All photos and videos may post on Tom Lee Music Academy social media platform or other promotional platforms.
  23. 通利音樂中心保留更改所有有關活動安排之權利。
    The organizer reserves the final rights for all arrangement of this event.


如有任何問題,請WhatsApp至6832 6870與我們聯絡。

If you have any questions, please feel free to WhatsApp us at 6832 6870.

