今年的農曆新年及復活節長假期,通利音樂藝術中心聯同超人氣大型室內兒童遊樂場Sooper Yoo 準備了
精彩的音樂日營 – Yamaha 課程體驗營
This year’s Lunar New Year and Easter holidays, Tom Lee Music Academy , in collaboration with the incredibly popular indoor children’s playhouse Sooper Yoo, has prepared an exciting Music Day Camp – Yamaha Music Camp!

‧ YAMAHA 課程體驗
‧ 敲擊樂體驗
‧ DIY 樂器體驗
YAMAHA課程是通利音樂藝術中心皇牌課程, 更是全港獨有的音樂課。 學生可在假期中親身感受YAMAHA課程的魅力!
除此之外,體驗營亦包含敲擊樂體驗及DIY 樂器體驗。每位學生於3天體驗營完結後更可把自製樂器帶回家,送自己親手製作的假日禮物!每位完成 Yamaha 課程體驗營的學生均會獲得出席證書。
大家更可以經通利音樂藝術中心以優惠價購買Sooper Yoo室內遊樂場門票!
The Music Camp offers a wide range of activities, including
‧ Experience the Yamaha Course
‧ Experience the Percussion Instruments
‧ DIY Musical Instrument
The Yamaha Course is the flagship program of Tom Lee Music Academy and unique music course in Hong Kong.
Students will have the opportunity to personally experience the charm of the Yamaha Course during the holiday!
In addition, the camp includes percussion experience and DIY musical instrument experience. After completing the 3-day camp, each student can take home the self-made instrument as their own holiday gift! Every student who completes the Yamaha Course Experience Camp will be awarded a certificate of attendance.
Furthermore, everyone can enjoy a special discount on Sooper Yoo Playhouse tickets through us!
Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to have a joyful and educational holiday celebration with your friends!