01. 首次或重新報讀每項課程,須繳付行政費
Administration Fee will be charged for new registration per course
02. 如收費有任何調整,將不另行通知
All fees are subject to change without further notice
03. 學生須於本中心購買教材
Students are required to buy teaching materials at the academy
04. 每間中心所開辦的課程時間表不同,詳情請與中心職員聯絡
The courses may be operated at various Tom Lee Music Academy location, please contact our academy staff for further information
05. 價目表之收費為1堂之價目,不同課程將按不同堂數收費
Tuition fee stated on the price list is for 1 lesson only, student should pay depending on the chosen lesson
06. 價目表之收費並不包括教材費
Fees for teaching materials are not included
07. 通利音樂藝術中心可為學生報考YAMAHA分級考試,詳情請向中心職員查詢
Tom Lee Music Academy will handle exam application for YAMAHA Grade Exam, contact our academy staff for further information
08. 完成YAMAHA兒童音樂課程後可獲頒發證書
Certificate will be issued upon completion of YAMAHA Music Group Courses