Selection Category:

鋼琴/電子琴獨奏、合奏 (歌曲必須為原創樂曲)
Piano/Electone Solo, Ensemble (Piece must be self-composed)
費用 Fee:
獨奏項目Solo Performance HK$350
合奏項目 Ensemble Performance HK$400

Free Selection Piece, self-composition is not allowed
費用 Fee:
合奏項目 Ensemble Performance HK$400
模式 Mode:
現場實體比賽 Live Performance
日期 Date:
23 / 24 Mar 2024
地點 Venue:
尖沙咀Backstage音樂工作室 Tom Lee Backstage Studio
Applicants would receive a Certificate of Participation and a performance photo.

are eligible to take part in this event. The rules are as follow:
- 參加者報名時須於網上報名表格一併提交演奏曲目之樂譜及繳交報名費。
Applicants should submit the online application form together with the music scores and application fee. - 所有報名費均不可退款和不可轉讓。
All fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. - 參與是次活動後仍須要經過遴選,不是所有參加者都能夠把影片提交到日本主辦機構,被挑選影片將會傳送到日
Selection is still required after application, not all candidates are able to submit their performance video to Japan.
Only selected videos will be sent to Japan for video audition. - 原創音樂組別的作品可以是樂器獨奏(solo performance) 或合奏(ensemble)。
JOC performance can be done by solo or ensemble. - 主辦機構只會提供一部Yamaha三角琴,一部Yamaha ELS-01C型號Electone,及兩部Yamaha PSRE463型號61鍵電子鍵琴。
Venue will only be equipped with a Yamaha Grand Piano, a Yamaha ELS-01C Model Electone, and two Yamaha PSRE463 Model,
61-keys keyboards. Applicants should prepare their own instruments if not provided. - 原創音樂組別 – Electone獨奏的參加者須使用主辦機構提供的Yamaha ELS-01C型號Electone演奏。
Applicants for JOC Category – Electone Solo are required to perform with Yamaha ELS-01C Model Electone provided by the organizer. - 原創音樂組別及合奏組別之電子鍵琴合奏的參加者,須使用主辦機構提供的Yamaha PSRE463型號61鍵電子鍵琴演奏。
Applicants for JOC Category or Ensemble Category – Keyboard Ensemble, are required to perform with Yamaha PSRE463 Model,
61-keys keyboard. - 參加原創音樂組別 – 合奏項目的鋼琴/鍵琴演奏者及作曲者,必須是現正就讀Yamaha課程的學生。
Piano/Keyboard performer and the composer in JOC Category – Ensemble, must be current Yamaha student. - 參加合奏組別的演奏者,必須是現正就讀Yamaha課程的學生。
Applicants for Ensemble Performance Category must be current Yamaha students. - 參加者之年齡必須為15歲或以下(截至2024年4月1日)。
Applicants must be aged 15 or below (As at 1 April 2024). - 參加者於畢業後3個月內仍可參加此活動。
參加者於畢業後3個月內都可參加此活動。 - 原創音樂組別的作品最少為8小節,並須為有旋律(melody)及伴奏(accompaniment) 的完整作品。請學生們及早準備。
Submitted JOC music pieces must include at least 8 bars with melody and accompaniment. Students should prepare earlier. - 合奏組別的演奏歌曲可自由選擇,不得為原創歌曲。
Pieces performed in Ensemble Performance Category is a free selection piece, but own composition is not allowed. - 合奏項目詳情可選擇 Choice of Ensemble Performance:
i. 鋼琴四手聯彈 Piano four-hands
ii. 鋼琴及小提琴/長笛/色士風/電子鍵琴合奏 Piano and Violin/Flute/Saxophone/Keyboard ensemble
iii.電子鍵琴合奏 Keyboard Ensemble
iv. 鋼琴及Electone合奏 Piano and Electone Ensemble
**Piano four-hands、Piano and Electone Ensemble, and Keyboard Ensemble are limited to 2 performers only,
while other choices are limited to 3 performers. - 為提升音樂會的質素,所有參加者必需背譜彈奏。
為提升音樂會的質素,所有參加者必需背譜彈奏。 - 為鼓勵學生們不斷創作,所有參加JOC之作品必須是新的原創作品,即是從來未有於任何音樂會作公開表演或參加任何比賽。
All JOC performance must be new and original which should not be disclosed to the public or competitions before. - 如活動與課堂同時進行而不能出席,通利音樂藝術中心不會另行安排時間演奏,報名費亦不獲退款。
If the event is held at the same time as your lesson time and you are unable to participate, Tom Lee Music Academy will not
arrange another time for your performance, and the application fee will not be refunded. - 參加者不得更改演奏日期及時間,若未能如期出席,將被視為放棄資格,並不設退款。
Applicants are not allowed to change the date and time of the performance. If they do not attend as scheduled, they will be
deemed to absent and disqualifications and no refund will be provided. - 所有報名表必須於截止日期或之前提交,並於此表格完成網上付款程序。逾期報名將不會接受。如於提交報名表後需要更改參賽資料,
Application and fees must be submitted before the application deadline. No late application will be accepted. If you wish to change
the application details after the submission, administration fee of HK$100 will be charged for each change. - 參加者須穿著表演服飾進行演奏。
學生須穿著表演服飾進行拍攝。 - 原創音樂組別提交之作品將不予退還,演奏片段版權歸主辦機構所有。
Submitted music pieces in JOC Category will not be returned, and the copyrights of the performance belong to the organizer. - 有關更多活動詳情及安排,會於2024年3月13日或之前透過電郵向參加者公佈。
More information will be released on or before 13 March 2024 to applicants via email. - 主辦機構保留更改所有有關活動安排之權利。
本中心保留更改所有有關活動安排之權利。 - 通利音樂藝術中心擁有其參加者所有相片及影片之使用權,一切版權歸通利音樂藝術中心所有。通利音樂藝術中心有最終權利決定
The copyright of all photos and videos belong to Tom Lee Music Academy and we reserve the final right to decide whether to adopt the
contestant’s photos and videos. All photos and videos may post on Tom Lee Music Academy social media platform or other promotional platforms. - 若有任何爭議,主辦機構保留最終決定。
若有任何爭議,大會保留最終決定。 - 如有任何問題,請WhatsApp至 6832 6870與我們聯絡。
If you have any questions, please feel free to WhatsApp us at 6832 6870.
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