
Tom Lee Music Celebration

Tom Lee Music Celebration


Taking “Own Choice Piece Solo” can play songs from Yamaha Courses, but NOT ALLOWED to play songs listed in “Graded Piano Solo”.

Contestants are required to choose one out of three pieces in the selected grade for the competition.
Contestants cannot take the same graded competition repeatedly

  1. 所有參賽者會獲得電子參與證書一張。
    All contestants will receive an e-certificate of attendance.
  2. 傑出導師獎: 有8名或以上學生參加這次比賽的導師
    Great Teacher Award: Awarded to teachers with 8 or more students taking this competition
  3. 最具自信表現大獎: 被挑選的參賽者會獲得電子證書一張
    The Most Confident Performance Award: Chosen contestants will receive an e-certificate
  4. 最佳台風獎: 被挑選的參賽者會獲得電子證書一張
    The Best Style Award: Chosen contestants will receive an e-certificate
  5. 熱愛音樂獎: 被挑選的參賽者會獲得電子證書一張
    Music Enjoyment Award: Chosen contestants will receive an e-certificate

Live Video Recording Submission

截止報名日期 Application Deadline:
2021年6月25日 25 June 2021

截止提交參賽影片日期 Competition Video Submission Deadline:
2021年6月30日 30 June 2021

賽果公佈 Results Announcement:
2021年7月30日 30 July 2021

*於通利音樂藝術中心Facebook專頁及網頁公佈 Will be announced on Tom Lee Music Academy Facebook page and Website

每個項目港幣 400元
Each Class HKD 400

First 100 applicants each class HKD 350

Taking two to five classes each class HKD 300


Entry Fee includes an e-certificate of attendance and 30 minutes FREE rental services.
First 100 applicants can join the competition at $350 for each class.
Taking two classes to 5 classes can join the competition at $300 for each class. Contact our center staff for more information.

  1. 是次比賽各個組別的參賽者的國籍均不受限制。
    There is no restriction on the nationality of the contestants of all classes in this competition.
  2. 參賽者可以申請多於一個比賽項目,但不能重複參加同一個項目的比賽。
    Contestants can apply for more than one competition class, but cannot apply for the same class repeatedly.
  3. 參賽者必須在2021年6月25日或之前填妥網上報名表及繳交報名費,否則申請將不被接納。
    Contestants must complete the online application form and settle the entry fee on or before 25 June 2021,
    otherwise, the application will not be accepted.
  4. 參賽者必須於2021年6月30日或之前到通利音樂藝術中心提交影片給中心職員,否則申請將不被接納。
    Contestants must submit the live video recording to center staff in Tom Lee Music Academies on or before 30 June 2021,
    otherwise, the application will not be accepted.
  5. 凡有年齡限制之項目,均以2021年6月15日為計算日期。
    All competition classes with age restrictions are calculated as of 15 June 2021.
  6. 所有報名費均不可退款和不可轉讓。
    All entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
  7. 請確保報名表提交資料無誤。報名表一經提交後,每項更改將須繳付港幣$100行政費。
    Please ensure that all information submitted in the application form is correct. Once the form is submitted, each change
    will be subject to an administrative fee of HK$100.
  8. 參與自選曲目獨奏可以彈奏Yamaha課程內的歌曲,但不可以彈奏等級鋼琴獨奏項目內的歌曲。
    Taking “Own Choice Piece Solo” can play songs from Yamaha Courses, but NOT ALLOWED to play songs listed in “Graded Piano Solo”.
  9. 評判會根據參賽者的整體表現評分,包括:技巧、演繹、音樂感及感染力,評判對一切藝術事宜有最終決定權。
    Adjudication will be based on the overall performance of the contestants, including Technique, Interpretation, and Musicality Artistic Appeal.
    The decision of the judges on all artistic matters shall be final.
  10. 有關比賽之資料將以電郵方式通知。 All competition information will be notified by email.
  11. 主辦機構鼓勵參賽者背誦樂譜,如參賽者演奏時需閲譜,必須用正本樂譜,否則將被取消資格。
    Contestants are encouraged to perform by memory. If contestants need to perform with the music scores, they must use the original scores,
    otherwise, they will be disqualified.
  12. 如演奏超出時限, 參賽者將被取消資格。
    If the performance exceeds the time limit, the contestant will be disqualified.
  13. 如參賽者水準不達評判標準,主辦機構有權不頒發奬項予該比賽組別。
    If the standard of the contestants of the class is not up to standard, judges may decide not to present any awards to the contestants.
  14. 主辦機構將會在2021年7月30日以電郵發送電子參與證書,參賽者可於電郵內的電子表格加購實體參與證書,額外證書及獎牌(如適用)。
    The organizer will send the e-certificate of attendance to contestants on 30 July 2021. Contestants can purchase the physical certificate of attendance,
    certificate of awards and award medals (If applicable) in the e-form in the email.
  15. 所有加購證書或獎項詳情會於稍後通知。
    Details on add-on purchase of certificates and awards will be announced later.
  16. 各組別會有冠軍,亞軍及季軍。冠軍,亞軍及季軍設有獎座及一張額外電子證書。除這三個排名外,主辦機構會根據參賽者分數另設排名,
    There will be Champion, 1st Runner-up and 2nd Runner up in each class. There will be a trophy and an extra certificate for Champion,
    1st Runner-up and 2nd Runner-up. Other than these 3 positions, the organizer will set up another ranking based on the scores of the contestants.
    Contestants of each rank will receive an extra certificate. Please refer to the “Prizes” table.
  17. 如有參賽者在比賽項目中獲得一樣分數,該參賽者會獲得相同排名。
    If contestants get the same score in the competition class, both contestants will get the same award.
  18. 這次比賽設有傑出導師獎,有8名或以上學生參加這次比賽的導師會獲得證書一張。
    There will be Great Teacher Award for this competition. Teachers with 8 or more students taking this competition will receive a certificate.
  19. 參賽者於報名時必須上載樂譜及身分證明文件副本。
    Music scores and a photocopy of identification document (eg., Hong Kong Identity (“HKID”) Card or overseas passport) must be uploaded
    onto the application form.
  20. 參加者每參加一個項目可以免費使用場地租借服務一次(30分鐘),所有提交的錄影片段必須於通利音樂藝術中心進行錄影,否則將被取消資格。
    Contestants will get a FREE rental service for each competition class enrollment (30 minutes).
    All performance videos must be recorded in Tom Lee Music Academy. Otherwise, you will be disqualified.
  21. 免費使用場地租借服務已包括租借4K錄影機 Zoom-Q2n,Yamaha演奏級三角琴及額外補光燈。參賽者需自備Micro SD卡到中心進行錄影。
    Free Rental Service includes 4K camera Zoom-Q2n, Performance grade YAMAHA Piano and additional fill light.
    Contestants need to bring their own Micro SD card for video recording in Tom Lee Music Academies.
  22. 參賽者需要到通利音樂藝術中心出示確認電郵兌換免費使用場地租借服務。
    Contestants need to go to Tom Lee Music Academies and show their confirmation email to redeem the free rental service for the competition.
  23. 錄影場地租借服務只適用於尖沙咀,奧海城或西環通利音樂藝術中心。
    Recording rental service is only available in Tsim Sha Tsui, Olympian City and Western District Tom Lee Music Academy.
  24. 如參賽者需要額外租借錄影服務。可向中心職員查詢。
    If contestants require extra time for rental services, contact our center staff for more details.
  25. 參賽者須於2021年6月30日或之前到通利音樂藝術中心進行錄影,完成後可直接交給中心職員上載。
    Contestants must record the video in Tom Lee Music Academy and submit the video to center staff on or before 30 June 2021.
    *The video must clearly show the appearance of the contestants and be dressed in performance costumes
  26. 主辦機構不接受曾編輯/剪接的影片。
    Edited videos are not accepted.
  27. 每一份報名表格最多只可參加五個項目,參加第六個項目請WhatsApp至6832 6870與我們聯絡。
    Each application form can only take a maximum of 5 classes in the competition. To take more than 6 classes, please contact us on WhatsApp at 6832 6870.
  28. 參賽者將不會獲發評分紙。
    Mark sheets will not be issued to contestants.
  29. 如報名人數不足,該組別將會取消,並辦理退款手續。
    If the number of applicants is insufficient, the class will be cancelled and the entry fee will be refunded.
  30. 主辦機構有權修改比賽規則、獎項、編輯參賽者的比賽片段及更換評判,如有任何變更,恕不另行通知。
    The organizer reserves the right to modify the rules of the competition, awards, edit the contestants’ competition videos and change the judges without notice.
  31. 主辦機構擁有其參賽者所有比賽片段之使用權利,一切版權歸大會所有。
    The copyright of all the videos and photos belongs to the organizer.
  32. 主辦機構保留更改本活動一切相關事宜的權利,恕不另行通知。
    The organizer reserves the right to amend the competition rules and make other arrangements as deemed appropriate without prior notice.
  33. 若有任何爭議,主辦機構保留最終決定權。
    The organizer reserves the right to the final decision.