
Chinese New Year concert

Chinese New Year concert


Contests include basic theory, scales, triads, arpeggios, sight-reading and aural practice. from the City University of Hong Kong with a Bachelors degree with first class honours, she received the scholarship from Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. She has been teaching at Tom Lee Music Academy since 2004 and currently she is one of the senior piano tutors teaching diploma students.

這些年間,她師隨何司能教授,先後考獲八級樂理 (當中她以優異成績獲得獎學金),以及一連串的鋼琴演奏文憑和樂理文憑。包括英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院之鋼琴演奏專業文憑、樂理專業文憑和院士文憑、英國皇家音樂學院鋼琴演奏專業文憑和院士文憑 - 演奏文憑的頂級專業認可資格。

除了教學以外,她曾於不同的比賽擔任評判,例如真音樂 . 兒童鋼琴家大賽和通利音樂藝術中心比賽。每逢音樂考試的季節,她擔任模擬考試的考官,為一至八級鋼琴組別的考生進行模擬考試,使考生能吸收經驗,在考試中能取得佳績。

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